Sep 8, 2011

ABD: Assuming Beki Disorder

a re-post from

Afflicting 87.36% of the homosexual population, ABD or the Assuming Beki Disorder is a psychological disorder of the gays which manifests as delusional fantasy of romantic love towards an individual of whom feels only fraternal or platonic love. The afflicted homosexual suffering from ABD often misconstrue friendly gestures as acts of romantic engagements, which most often leads to delusions of a happy ending version of Brokeback Mountain.

Signs and Symptoms of Assuming Beki Disorder

    * Coffee or Lunch or Cigarette breaks with the Subject of Delusion (SOD), is misconstrued by the Assuming Beki as a sign of courtship.

    * Text messages from SOD will be read by the Assuming Beki with full romantic emotions, leading to a blushing shuddering moment of joy despite the nonexistence of any mutual feeling.

    * Assuming Beki anticipates an SMS or Call from SOD every night, if not every hour of the day. If SOD did not communicate, Assuming Beki will initiate contact.

    * If SOD is a colleague of the Assuming Beki, the latter will not be able to concentrate on work nor be productive for the rest of the day as the Assuming Beki is conscious of every move SOD makes. Assuming Beki will then associate every effort of SOD as "pagapapacute effort-to-win-assuming-beki's-heart" - a forlorn endeavor.

    * An after work or school gimmick with SOD is propelled by the Assuming Beki as a date or a sign of deep interest on a possible future relationship.

    * As Assuming Beki observes SOD while playing sports, the former shall conclude that every time SOD gets a point its all for the Assuming Beki. Furthermore, every time SOD fixes his shorts or touch his major assets anywhere while playing, its all misconstrued as "pagpapapansin of SOD to Assuming Beki" - a probable flirtation event for the Assuming Beki's imaginings.

    * Every shopping decision or change in hairstyle or physical attribute must be along the lines of what Assuming Beki feels acceptable or titillating for SOD, which in turn shall feed the illusion that SOD will finally love Assuming Beki for such great change.

    * A sudden tap at the back, putting arm's across the shoulder or a slightly lingering touch from SOD will initiate a series of events for Assuming Beki and friends, which shall climax on a full force debate on SOD's alleged feelings for Assuming Beki via a conference call or a convene dinner night out at choice shalala aura restaurant.

    * Worst, Assuming Beki believes that SOD and friends are also talking about his feelings for Assuming Beki.

There are more signs and symptoms associated with the Assuming Beki Disorder. As of the moment, there is no known cure for ABD. Though a recent exposition advised that a steady slap on the face was documented to have helped some individuals.

Jaded! PAK!


  1. miss universe Barry Belda Otenatela in WWW.BARRYBELDAOTENATELA.SALN.PH

  2. miss universe Barry Belda Otenatela in WWW.BARRYBELDAOTENATELA.FLAGPOLE.PH
